You may recognize it, you have a box in the attic with old crockery from an inheritance of which you doubt whether it may be Chinese or that a loved one has recently past away who presumably has Chinese porcelain in the cupboard or plates hanging on the wall.
Not everyone is charmed by this form of art or does think it will not fit in their home interior and therefore often will be put in a box in the attic and will stay there for many many years. That’s a shame, because we believe that this beautiful porcelain should be on display and cherished.

Advantique Nederland specializes in purchasing and appraising Chinese antiques from private individuals and collectors. As an appraiser of Chinese antiques, we have appointments throughout the Netherlands on daily basis. Would you like to know whether something is Chinese antique and are you considering selling it at a fair price or would you like to have one of our specialists appraise the items on location without obligation, then this is certainly possible.
For a good appraisal we would like to receive some clear photos in advance by WhatsApp or contact us by email so that we can see whether these are indeed Chinese antiques and interesting for us to buy. Our main interest is mainly in plates, bowls, vases and cups and saucers from the 17th till 19th/early 20th century and need to be in reasonable or good condition. We would also like to hear approximately how many pieces are involved. We will not charge any additional costs or commission fee. For some examples you can visit our gallery.